Wacha Bazaar!!

Today was the WIG Bazaar (Woman Internation Group I think thats what it stands for)! Its sort of like a carnival/food and item fair sort of thing. Its up every year and the food they have there are awesome! Haha! Food from all over the place! Made and sold by the respective embassies..

Unfortunately, I've not taken any photos as I was really occupied with the rest of the students for our art project, being mascots.. XP

It was actually pretty fun entertaining the kids, minus the times they start whacking my butt and check to see who's under the mascot and when people start looking at you weirdly.. lol! And I've found out that the enthusiasm Lao people have here are dead below active.. XP 

There was even Malaysian food! lol! I had some of the noodles which tastes awesome! Didn't get to taste the nasi lemak though.. T-T However, I did have German Sausages! =P So many things to eat but rugi lar I ate lunch before I went there! =S

All in all, it was great! But I would absolutely have chosen to be in SE if I was in KL right then! XP Oh and not forgetting to mention, I'm going back on the 23rd July! Booked the tickets! XP Got them at a really cheap rate! Thank God for Airasia! lol!

