Sorry for not updating so often anymore! Been wondering what should I blog about these days.. XP Been quite busy with school these days as the finals are coming up and also because since the school semester is about to end and with a few events coming up, that further adds to my work as I have to take part in those events!
CF however has been going good! =D 6 more weeks to go till I move back to KL and man, I'm trusting God that He has great things in stored, heading towards this school, CF and nation! He is good and His grace is sufficient indeed! But wow I'm already excited and all suit up to head back home already! Haha! Just in time for MAD camp which I'll get to be attending for the first time! haha! Missed it for years after years now! The only camp I got to go since I was in SE was only Pre-MAD 06' I think and Breakaway function in PD! It was awesome!
Well with all that aside.. Guess what I had for dinner? lol!
Behold ladies and gentlemen, Ant Egg Omelette! If you look closer, you could see some white small thing(s) at the bottom of the picture there, and guess what are those? (here's a hint that you'll get by answering this quiz: If ants do not give birth like mammals do, how do they reproduce? lol!)