I woke up yesterday morning...

And there was beard! O_O"! And thus saith the Lord that the harvest shall be plentiful! =P But the workers are few! (I need to get shavers.. T-T)

Not only that. I noticed I suddenly have a mark/scar in between my eyebrows when I look at the handsome man myself in the mirror! Quite a big one too! Picture will be up later. Haha! Its dark red and looks almost as if I accidently played with a lipstick and drew myself on the head. WHICH IS NOT TRUE! =.="..

Went out with my pals Jo and Victor yesterday just to catch up over the week and we got to watch G-Force (well, only me and Vic, since Jo abandoned and forsaken us =P). One of these days, I really gotta watch 500 days of summer! Made a mistake watching A Perfect Getaway instead. =S

Next week's gonna be one awesome week! Yes this week has its downside and times where the annointing of the spirit of slap is stronger than ever (=P) but no doubt, greater is He who is in us than the one who is in the world! We're gonna make it out through this, not just alive, not just barely, we're gonna make it out with our head held high and strong! YEAHH! ;D Let's do this PlanetShakers!

Vid of the day! Love this part of the movie!

