Tagged fever!

Starting time: 2:54pm.

Name: Benjamin Soo Kien Yap
Sister/s: One
Brother/s: One
Shoe size: 11! lol!
Height: 183cm.. XP
What are you wearing right now?
- T-shirt and short pants.. XP
Where do you live?
- From KL to Laos.. ><
Favorite Number: 27
Favorite Drinks: Caramel Frapuchinno.. Yeah starbucks!
XP Favorite Months: I would say December.. Haha!
Favorite Breakfast: Depends on my tastebuds.. XP

***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a hot tub: Haha.. Yea..
Swam in the ocean: Yea! I was kinda afraid though... Still am.. XP
Fallen asleep in school: Haha! I'm not sure.. No matter how I try to sleep I just won't sleep! XP Fell off your chair: Yea.. I even broke one while sitting on it.. lol!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No..
Saved e-mails: Yea! Important ones.. mostly from youth people.. XP
Been cheated on: No..

***********What is************
Whats right beside you? - on the right, fan on the left, chair.. XP
What is the last thing you ate? - Hmmm.. I think it was kit kat.. XP

-----------Ever Had----------
Chicken pox: Yes.
Sore throat: Yea! hate it.. XP
Stitches: So far no.. and planning to stay that way.. lol!
Broken nose: No.. Why? you desperate to break mine? ><

-------------Do You--------------
Believe in love at first sight?- No.. =.="..
Like picnics?- I prefer mamak.. lol!

Who last made you smile?
- Jo Ng and Vic.. lol! chatting with them online at the moment
Who did you last yell at?
- Can't remember actually.. haha..
Who was the last person you texted?
- I forgot who.. but its one of the youth gang in KL.. haha!
Who are you missing?
- Haha! the Soaring Eagles in KL and some of our eagles in Australia and other countries! haha!

----------Final Questions-------------
What are you listening to right now?
- the fan spinning.. haha!
What did you do today?
- Me? I've lived and I'm still living my life for Jesus! XP
Hate someone in your family?
- No...
Hate anyone of your friends?
- Haha.. No lar.. no one..
Good singer?
- Haha! I've got no idea... XP
Diamond or pearl?
- Neither attracts me.. =.="...
Are you the oldest?
- Yea.. XP
Indoors or outdoors?
- Depends though.. haha..

------------Today did you--------------
Talk to someone you love?
- My family and friends? haha!
Kiss anyone?
- O_O"... I'm not desperate ok.. lol!
Get sick?
- lol! same like Chris.. morning flu.. XP
Talked to an ex:
- Talked to an axe? =.=".. No.. for both type of questions.. XP
Eat Dinner:
- Not yet lar..

-----------Last person who----------
You talked to on the phone?
-Who ar? XP no one calls me here in Laos that much in KL.. haha!
You kissed?
- My grandma when I visited her.. XP

What books are you reading right now?
- The Bible! Woohoo! XP
Do u sleep with stuffed animals?
- No.. XP
What's under your bed?
- Cannot check.. its like non-visible.. XP
Favorite locations:
Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?
- haha.. never...
Who do you really hate?
- Sin
You lonely right now?
- NOw lar..
What time is it now?
- 4.04pm.. lol! I was multitasking!

Tag 3 people.
- Vic Lai
- Kok Jen
- Vince XP

Time to complete: one hour... lol!


Ten things about you
1. are you single: Yeah!.. haha!
2. are you happy: Very!
4. are you sad: No lar.. aiyo.. How can I be happy and sad at the same time? XP
5. are you Italian: No lar.. do I look italian to you? =.="..
6. are you expensive: In Jesus, yeah I am! XP
8. are you blonde: Yer.. that would be freaky.. =.="..
9. are you Irish: No.. I'm Malaysian.. XP
10. are your parents still married: Yea!

Ten facts
1. name : Benjamin... Sir. Benjamin Soo.. lol!
2. date of birth : 27 Sept 1991
3. hair color: Pure black... and abit white.. XP
6. birthday: 27th Sept!
7. mood: Eagerness.. XP If you guess it right, I'll give you my signed underpants... LOL
8. favorite color: Blue! ahah...
9. where do you live: I wish I could say KL.. =.=".. Laos.. sigh... XP
10. left or right handed: Righty man..

Ten things about your love life
1. have you fallen in love which you wish it will last? It will last forever man! Jesus loves me! =D
2. do you believe in love at first sight: Haha! not again.. No.. its fake! so repent! XP
3. who ended your last relationship: Har? with who? my friends? =.="..
4. have you ever hurt anyone? Yea.. Truth hurts at times.. face it.. XP
5. have you ever broken someone's heart: Erm.. I guess?
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Ahah.. yeah..
8. are you afraid of commitment: With who? =.="..
9. have you hugged someone within the last week: My dad.. haha.. his birthday and father's day.. which is also someone's funeral.. O_O"!!!!
10. have you ever had a "secret" admirer: If I know then whats the secret? haiyo!

Ten this or that
1. love or lust: love
2. upset at arguments with friends or a breakup: Neither
4. a few best friends or many regular friends: Best friends!
6. pepsi or coke: No idea whats the difference.. XP
7. wild night out or romantic night in: Yer.. sounds so wrong.. =.="...
8. money or happiness: Happiness.. Money can't buy.. XP
9. night or day: Aiyo.. hard to choose.. =.="..
10. AIM or phone: Phone

Ten have you evers
1. been caught sneaking out: hahaha! I dun sneak out.. =.="..
2. been skinny-dipping with your bf/gf?: whats what? O_O"..
3. done something you regret: Everyone has... depends on how you face it!
4. bungee jumped: Haha! wow that I gotta try! XP
6. finished an entire jawbreaker: I dun think they sell them here.. XP
8. ever wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back: Swt'd.. I told you lar.. I'm not desperate..
9. cried because you lost a pet: Haha.. no.. I dun have any..
10. wanted to disappear: at times of humiliation.. XP

Ten preferences
1. smile or eyes: Har?
2. light hair or dark hair: What?
3. hugs or kisses: Har? From who? XP
4. shorter or taller: Aiyo... I still got no idea who you talking about.. XP
5. intelligence or attraction: Iehh?
8. hook-up or relationship: Har? Who la?!
9. do you want a girlfriend/boyfriend: No lar.. not now..
10. sun or moon: Then day, sun when night moon lor! XP

Ten lasts
1. last phone call you made: To my mum.. Church! XP
2. last phone call you received: Forgot lo.. =.="..
3. last person(s) you hung out: Jesus and My family.. lol!
4. last place you went: My Sibling's room.. XP
5. last person you IM'd: Whats that? XP
6. last text message you got: Regarding football schedule.. =.="..
7. last person you wish to see everyday : Har? what do you mean by last? XP
8. last person you webcamed: My uncle.. lol..
9. last person/thing you missed: Aiyo.. so many.. I miss Soaring Eagles! XP
10. last thing you wish you had : An anytime pass to fly to Malaysia.. lol!

Tagging : Jo Ng, Vic and Kok Jen! XP

